Every results(18)



El control del entorno doméstico contribuye al éxito del tratamiento de las enfermedades de la piel

En esta época tenemos la suerte de contar con muchos fármacos para tratar la causa y los síntomas de la dermatitis alérgica, lo que hace que a menudo los tratamientos tópicos y las sencillas rutinas de gestión ambiental no se comenten con los propietarios de las mascotas.

Addressing Dental Care At Home - A Combined Approach

It is important to show pet owners that dental care can be approached in a multitude of ways and alongside regular dental health checks in clinic, owners can utilise easy to use home care products which help to keep plaque and tartar at bay.

Salud Dental Canina

La enfermedad dental es una condición muy común que afecta a los perros, con una estimación del 80% de los perros que desarrollan la enfermedad periodontal en el momento en que tienen tres años de edad1,2.

Canine Castration: Is There More Than One Way To Crack A Nut?

Along with positive socialisation, training and appropriate nutrition, castration is often considered a key component of responsible dog ownership. As well as preventing accidental mating, castration can be beneficial in preventing specific testosterone related disease and can help in the management of some behavioural issues.

What Can Pet Owners Do at Home to Contribute to the Successful Management of Skin Disease?

Vets are very fortunate to have some outstanding medicines to treat the aetiology and clinical signs of atopy, giving both the pet and the owner relief from the angst of allergic skin disease. However, it is easy to overlook the value of topical therapies and simple environmental management routines, which can play an important role in managing the condition whilst also helping to cultivate client relationships.

Do Sugars Have Any Role in Dermatology Today?

Sugars, or carbohydrates, are the most abundant class of organic compounds found in living organisms. There are two major subfamilies; the simple sugars (monosaccharides) and the complex sugars (oligosaccharides composed of 2-10 monosaccharides and polysaccharides composed of more than 10 monosaccharides).

Veggiedent FR3SH - Ahora disponible en láminas masticables individuales

MOVOFLEX® Soft Chews, la nueva generación de suplementos articulares

Virbac completa su gama Everyday Care para el cuidado diario de las mascotas con MOVOFLEX® Soft Chews, la nueva generación de suplementos para la salud articular.

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